Astral Arcana


About Astral Arcana: AA is set in the early 24th century. Earth, or Terra, is the center of a galaxy-sprawling empire where humans, "fantasy" creatures such as elves and undead, and extraplanetary aliens all coexist. Space is far more hospitable than 20th-century science believed; due to advancements in arcane science, interplanetary vessels are open-decked. The style of the time is very historical/fantasy-inspired; most outfits/vessels/buildings wouldn't look entirely out-of-place in a fantasy version of 16th-19th century Europe. However, the architecture and style of the AA universe is also influenced by virtually every Terran culture and plenty of extraterrestrial and fantasy ones, so you're just as likely to find a mix of Victorian, medieval-European, Han-dynasty Chinese, Martian, and classical Elven styles in any given city or single person's wardrobe.

Astral Arcana inspired in part by materials by Wizards of the Coast. All characters and Astral Arcana setting © Molly Brewer and Alan C. Matthews.