Name: Trean Maeglan
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Terran Shadowkind, sylvan elf
Age: 457
Occupation: Grand Admiral, Imperial Navy; captain, HMS Gladius Russus
Occupation: Grand Admiral, Imperial Navy; captain, HMS Gladius Russus
Height: 6’0”
Build: Muscular and athletic, but lithe and flexible
Hair: Red, straight, hangs to the small of her back. Usually tied into a ponytail with a blue ribbon
Eyes: Violet
Skin: Pale
Tattoos/Piercings: Two full sleeve tattoos of blue spirals; stylized blue flame on the nape of her neck (usually hidden by hair)
Clothing: Imperial Navy uniform (visible in reference images): fitted Georgian-style blue coat with fringed epaulettes and swallowtail in the back; white trousers with double gold stripe down the side of each leg; gold embroidered fitted double-breasted vest; white linen shirt underneath everything; leather knee-high boots. Trean also wears a cravat with hers, and she’s got a whole lot of medals, but doesn’t wear them all constantly since they get in the way in combat. She also has a crown of flames (no heat, they just look like fire) that absorbs magic directed at her. In combat, she almost always has this on, but sometimes turns it on just for effect.
Personality: Trean is a galaxy-renowned hardass. She's earned her position at the head of the Imperial space fleet through centuries of service acting as a combat champion of the united Shadowkind and human population of Terra, and through a philosophy of no compromise to their enemies. She's proud, commanding, and fierce, a leader as much through deed as presence. Over the years she's built up a reputation as a nigh-unstoppable combatant, and she commands the Empire's flagship, a fearsome vessel called the Gladius Russus which has at its prow a gravitic cannon, which can reduce a mass the size of an asteroid to atoms. Trean directs her fleet with a firm hand, though her preference is clearly for single combat, where she can show off her true prowess using twin flaming longswords. She considers herself a survivor, having weathered countless crises during the upheaval of the Arcane Revolution and in the infancy of the United Empire of Earth, and is confident in the knowledge that her considerable place in history was earned through sweat, blood, loss and victory.
Please Note: Trean is NOT a "cute" or "frilly" character. She does not wear high heels, ever. Her body language is direct and forthright, and she doesn't really do coy, teasing expressions or poses. She won't wear superfluous jewelry or show a lot of skin where she'd be seen in public. She's very serious, and while she's not averse to appearing unclothed or in a sexy or sensual context, she carries herself with a certain air that retains confidence, pride and intensity.
Clothing: Imperial Navy uniform (visible in reference images): fitted Georgian-style blue coat with fringed epaulettes and swallowtail in the back; white trousers with double gold stripe down the side of each leg; gold embroidered fitted double-breasted vest; white linen shirt underneath everything; leather knee-high boots. Trean also wears a cravat with hers, and she’s got a whole lot of medals, but doesn’t wear them all constantly since they get in the way in combat. She also has a crown of flames (no heat, they just look like fire) that absorbs magic directed at her. In combat, she almost always has this on, but sometimes turns it on just for effect.
Personality: Trean is a galaxy-renowned hardass. She's earned her position at the head of the Imperial space fleet through centuries of service acting as a combat champion of the united Shadowkind and human population of Terra, and through a philosophy of no compromise to their enemies. She's proud, commanding, and fierce, a leader as much through deed as presence. Over the years she's built up a reputation as a nigh-unstoppable combatant, and she commands the Empire's flagship, a fearsome vessel called the Gladius Russus which has at its prow a gravitic cannon, which can reduce a mass the size of an asteroid to atoms. Trean directs her fleet with a firm hand, though her preference is clearly for single combat, where she can show off her true prowess using twin flaming longswords. She considers herself a survivor, having weathered countless crises during the upheaval of the Arcane Revolution and in the infancy of the United Empire of Earth, and is confident in the knowledge that her considerable place in history was earned through sweat, blood, loss and victory.
Please Note: Trean is NOT a "cute" or "frilly" character. She does not wear high heels, ever. Her body language is direct and forthright, and she doesn't really do coy, teasing expressions or poses. She won't wear superfluous jewelry or show a lot of skin where she'd be seen in public. She's very serious, and while she's not averse to appearing unclothed or in a sexy or sensual context, she carries herself with a certain air that retains confidence, pride and intensity.
Husband: Donovan Elderwood
In the early years after the Revolution, Trean wedded Donovan, who has been her rock for three centuries of marriage. Mostly a homebody, he tends to the affairs of Terra and its environs while Trean does her military thing abroad.
In the early years after the Revolution, Trean wedded Donovan, who has been her rock for three centuries of marriage. Mostly a homebody, he tends to the affairs of Terra and its environs while Trean does her military thing abroad.
Adopted son: Svarignath "Little Red"
Trean's first "child", a fire-breathing red dragon named Svarignath (whom Trean calls Caranor, or Little Red even though he's far past "little" at this stage), is a frequent fighter in space battles, and she often rides him into fights.
Trean's first "child", a fire-breathing red dragon named Svarignath (whom Trean calls Caranor, or Little Red even though he's far past "little" at this stage), is a frequent fighter in space battles, and she often rides him into fights.
Son: Farael Bartimaeus
Trean and Farael have a complicated relationship. He is the product of a long-ago relationship between Trean and Shadowkind activist Zarael, who manipulated Trean as part of a scheme to commit genocide against the human population of Terra. History regards him as a hero and a martyr for the cause of Shadowkind equality, because the knowledge of his betrayal of humanity was kept secret. Trean had his child, but was always worried he would turn out a murderer or worse, which kept her from forming a truly affectionate relationship with Farael; she does love him, but refused to let it show even after he'd grown up. Not allowing herself to acknowledge the good man that Farael became is one of the greatest regrets of her very long life.
Trean and Farael have a complicated relationship. He is the product of a long-ago relationship between Trean and Shadowkind activist Zarael, who manipulated Trean as part of a scheme to commit genocide against the human population of Terra. History regards him as a hero and a martyr for the cause of Shadowkind equality, because the knowledge of his betrayal of humanity was kept secret. Trean had his child, but was always worried he would turn out a murderer or worse, which kept her from forming a truly affectionate relationship with Farael; she does love him, but refused to let it show even after he'd grown up. Not allowing herself to acknowledge the good man that Farael became is one of the greatest regrets of her very long life.
Daughter/Son: Oisin and Callon Elderwood
Oisin and Callon are the two children Trean bore to her husband Donovan. She has a FAR more functional relationship with them than with Farael, so they're both pretty well-adjusted. Donovan dotes on both of them as he did with Farael when he was growing up. Oisin grew up to become a priestess of the Galadhras the Green Lady, as her father was, and Callon became an astral cartographer aboard an exploration vessel.
Reference Images by Me:

Guest Art:

Oisin and Callon are the two children Trean bore to her husband Donovan. She has a FAR more functional relationship with them than with Farael, so they're both pretty well-adjusted. Donovan dotes on both of them as he did with Farael when he was growing up. Oisin grew up to become a priestess of the Galadhras the Green Lady, as her father was, and Callon became an astral cartographer aboard an exploration vessel.
Reference Images by Me:

Guest Art: