Name: Farael Bartimaeus
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Terran (American), metadendral hybrid (half-elf, quarter-human, eighth-celestial, eighth-fiendish)
Age: 300 (apparently in his early 30s)
Occupation: Commodore in the Imperial Navy; captain of Imperial clipper HMS Aquinas
Height: 6’4”
Build: Lithe, thin but toned ("elf warrior"-type build); black feathered wings
Hair: Red, just below shoulder-length, usually in a ponytail
Eyes: Heterochromatic. Left: flame-colored; right: violet
Skin: Very fair (pale)
Tattoos/Piercings: NA
Clothing: Imperial Navy uniform (visible in reference images): Georgian-style blue coat with fringed epaulettes; white trousers with single gold stripe down the side of each leg; gold double-breasted vest; white linen shirt underneath everything; leather knee-high boots. Note: one of the reference pictures below has a blue tricorn hat as part of the uniform, but he doesn’t usually wear it. If you really want to give him that, though, go for it.
Personality: Farael takes himself and his responsibilities upholding Imperial law with the utmost seriousness. He does have a sense of humor, but hides it VERY well under a take-charge, commanding, and collected exterior. On the surface, he appears all-business, and although he always conducts himself politely, he’s difficult to get to know. Farael has, above all, a sense of duty and lawful morality, and a belief in doing justice by the law of nations and common decency. He’s a high achiever and has a bit of a chip on his shoulder about his strained relationship with his mother, the Grand Admiral of the fleet.
Significant Other: Captain Rian Ainsley
Farael and Rian met each other by chance before she became heavily involved in piracy, and although he was intrigued by her and stunned by her “fall”, it took her eventual pardon and promise to reform her criminal ways before Farael was comfortable befriending her. After working together several times to defeat a notorious undead pirate that was plaguing the Terra system, they fell in love and embarked on a short but passionate affair that Farael eventually broke off, remembering his failed attempt at an engagement with a human woman (the difference in their perceptions of time made his extended military engagements grueling for her back home) and wishing for Rian not to waste her youth on someone who would ostensibly never age the way his former fiancee had; additionally, by this time, both of them were also in trouble with the law, and while Farael was likely to be forgiven, Rian would most likely have gone to prison for her involvement, and he didn’t want to see that happen to her. He came to regret letting her go, and eventually ended up back with Rian, knowing that he’d love her whether she was a pirate or a respectable lady, whether she stayed young for all time or grew old and died in what would feel like just a few short years to him.
Mother: Grand Admiral Trean Maeglan
Farael has spent most of his life feeling as if he couldn’t live up to his mother’s expectations of him. He’s her oldest child, and she never offered him the kind of praise or encouragement she allowed his younger siblings. She loves him, but is reluctant to show it for her own reasons.
Farael has spent most of his life feeling as if he couldn’t live up to his mother’s expectations of him. He’s her oldest child, and she never offered him the kind of praise or encouragement she allowed his younger siblings. She loves him, but is reluctant to show it for her own reasons.
Natural Father: Zarael (deceased)
Farael never met his biological father, who is considered by history to be a hero and martyr during the Arcane Revolution. Between Zarael’s heroic reputation and Trean’s massive list of achievements, Farael always felt a little dwarfed by his parents’ historical illustriousness.
Adoptive Father: Donovan Elderwood
Donovan, Trean’s husband, has been a guiding force for Farael his whole life; a much gentler person than Trean, he was quick to adopt his wife’s son and care for him as he would his own offspring. The morals and ethics instilled in Farael by Donovan remained with him all through childhood and are still a major part of who he is.
Reference images by me (click for large):

Guest art (click for large):
Reference images by me (click for large):

Guest art (click for large):
