Name: Jei Kai
Call Sign: Kyber
Birth Name: Jei-kai Talus
Gender/Pronouns: Cis female (she/her)
Species: Human
Planet of Origin: Onderon
Age: 17 at the story's start; currently 19-20
Sexual/Romantic Orientations: Bisexual/arospec
Occupation: Rebel agent (specializing in espionage; marksmanship and long-range shooting; wetwork)
Affiliations: Rebel Alliance, Kyber Squadron
Rank: Lieutenant
Height: 5'9"
Build: Hourglass with long, slim limbs
Hair: Black, cut in a messy chin-length style; sidelock tail on the right.
Call Sign: Kyber
Birth Name: Jei-kai Talus
Gender/Pronouns: Cis female (she/her)
Species: Human
Planet of Origin: Onderon
Age: 17 at the story's start; currently 19-20
Sexual/Romantic Orientations: Bisexual/arospec
Occupation: Rebel agent (specializing in espionage; marksmanship and long-range shooting; wetwork)
Affiliations: Rebel Alliance, Kyber Squadron
Rank: Lieutenant
Height: 5'9"
Build: Hourglass with long, slim limbs
Hair: Black, cut in a messy chin-length style; sidelock tail on the right.
Eyes: Black
Skin: Pale
Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Beauty mark on the left side of her neck. Pierced earlobes; makeup worn as needed to affect divergent appearances.
Weapons: DLT-19X targeting rifle; electrostaff; modified blaster pistol (see references)
Clothing: See references. Jei is adept at code-switching and dressing to blend in with her setting, and has worn many different outfits. Her favorite colors are black, dark gray, viridian green, and fluorescent orange (only worn in small doses as an accent), but by no means is her wardrobe confined to these.
Personality: A social chameleon, Jei projects different personae depending on the needs of the situation and often keeps her true feelings close to the vest. She is pragmatic and calculating to a fault, believing that moral principles are less important than practical effectiveness. She has little sense of a differentiated self and unconsciously adopts the personality traits of others around her, which gives her a natural edge as a spy. Jei enjoys "playing with people" and thinking several moves ahead, and her interactions with others frequently play out as cat-and-mouse games. She compartmentalizes easily as a mask for her supernatural empathic abilities (a manifestation of Force sensitivity) that leave her vulnerable to other people's emotional states. Dextrous, mentally sharp, and tactically adroit, she acquires new skills quickly and is eager to impress and earn the praise of those she sees as legitimate authority figures. While this makes her a valuable asset, she's also profoundly compliant, although she would deny this. During the beginning of the story, Jei's repeated exposure to the large-scale destruction of war leaves her traumatized and susceptible to dysfunctional coping mechanisms and toxic, harmful interpersonal dynamics.
Mother - Ori Talus: Daughter of a family of noble Onderonian Republic loyalists, Ori and her older sister Adi were trained by their parents as covert operatives during the Clone Wars, in support of Steela Gerrera's insurgency against the Separatists. During the war, Ori fell in love with Aran Kai, a Jedi knight assigned to protect the Talus family. Ori raised their daughter Jei alone using the considerable resources of her family, and they carried on their relationship in secret until Aran's death in Order 66. Ori fled Onderon with Jei, knowing the danger of harboring a Force-sensitive child who could be hunted by the nascent Galactic Empire, and did everything she could to ensure a normal childhood for Jei with every advantage possible on the distant world of Dirago, instilling a distrust for the Empire in Jei as she did. Ori is meticulous, canny, and elegant, and Jei's knack for observing others and playing situations to her advantage was learned from her mother.
Best friend - Nuula Vorda: Nuula, an Ithorian ship gunner and musician close to Jei's age who met her on Dirago, cleaved to Jei because of her Force sensitivity, a quality Nuula admires and envies. Nuula is fiercely loyal, and Jei is equally fierce in her dedication to furthering Nuula's career interests in their Rebel cell. Although this friendship is one of Jei's deepest and most valued, she isn't adept at showing her appreciation to Nuula, making the relationship somewhat lopsided.
Guardian - Dace Corven: "Chaotic space dad." A wartime friend of Ori's and longtime Rebel operative, Captain Dace Corven tasked himself with "looking after" Jei and Nuula on Ori's behalf. Dace chafes at rules and structure, and finds himself increasingly at odds with the paramilitary activities of Kyber Squadron. Nevertheless, he's taken on a fatherly role (although he'd classify it as more of a "cool uncle" thing) with Jei, Nuula, and the younger squadron members. Because of his connection to Jei's family, he sees keeping her safe as a duty he can't shirk, and goes to extremes to ensure her safety even when it endangers her missions.
Droid - Z3D: A heavily modified pit droid who committed wholeheartedly to the Rebel cause after Imperial soldiers murdered his owner, Z3D (pronounced "zed") is a master gadgeteer, slicer, and decrypter who can double as an astromech. Jei "adopted" him after his owner's death, and he became an early ally, assisting Jei, Nuula, and Dace in their early Rebel activities on Dirago.
Kyber Squadron:
Commanding Officer - Maisen Rigel: "Lawful space dad." Commander Rigel is the head of the Rebel cell of Kyber Squadron, and Jei one of its founding members. Maisen is taciturn, strategic, and difficult to impress. His MO of testing the loyalty and willingness of his subordinates earned Jei's respect quickly. While she views him as sort of a dad figure, he sees her ambition and dedication as exemplary tools, even when she acts out.
Other Significant Relationships:
Nemesis/Ex - Jathek Hasp: A young Imperial Captain posted in charge of operations on Dirago, Hasp is a capable, ambitious, and sophisticated native of Coruscant and a rising star in the Empire. He and Jei met at a civilian party and, mutually attracted by one another's wit and charm, began seeing each other. On discovering his Imperial affiliation, instead of breaking off the relationship, Jei used their connection as an opportunity to smuggle classified intel, access codes, and troop positions to the nascent Dirago Rebel cell. In spite of their opposing allegiances, the two genuinely had respect for each other (in a "game recognize game" kind of way), and Jei gained her newfound sense of personal ambition through their relationship. Although Jei was attracted to Hasp, she didn't love him; he did love her, which made her betrayal of him that much worse.
Squadmate/Ex - Zek Nevaron: A small-time Twi'lek thief, mechanic, and pilot who Jei recruited into the Rebellion. Zek is playful, devil-may-care, but more sensitive than he lets on, and a bit of a "space puppy." His extroversion combined with a hardscrabble loner past primed him to seek familial relationships in the rest of Kyber Squadron, and he quickly adopted Nuula, Dace, and Maisen as found family. He and Jei cared for each other as friends and shared a mutual attraction, but didn't work well as romantic partners, and they eventually broke up.
Yikes - Razer: The head of a splinter group of extreme anti-Imperial Partisans, Razer--an ex-Rebel Alliance officer--ran a sabotage operation out of Gamma-Torreon, and met Jei when she crash landed on the planet. Razer had survived with few allies for many years as a covert Force-sensitive, which immediately connected her to Jei, and Jei worked with Razer and her Partisan group until the Rebel Alliance could launch a rescue. Razer elicited ironclad loyalty from her people and was ruthless but charismatic with her zeal for destroying the Empire, and she augmented her existing ability to manipulate others with the use of the Force (a variant on the "Jedi mind trick"). This form of coercion was ineffective on Jei, and she and Razer formed a complex bond that was adversarial and mistrustful, but also tender and deeply felt by both of them. Razer was in love with Jei, in spite of the complicated nature of their relationship. Jei's feelings toward Razer are the closest thing to a romantic attraction she's experienced.
Art by me:

Skin: Pale
Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Beauty mark on the left side of her neck. Pierced earlobes; makeup worn as needed to affect divergent appearances.
Weapons: DLT-19X targeting rifle; electrostaff; modified blaster pistol (see references)
Clothing: See references. Jei is adept at code-switching and dressing to blend in with her setting, and has worn many different outfits. Her favorite colors are black, dark gray, viridian green, and fluorescent orange (only worn in small doses as an accent), but by no means is her wardrobe confined to these.
Personality: A social chameleon, Jei projects different personae depending on the needs of the situation and often keeps her true feelings close to the vest. She is pragmatic and calculating to a fault, believing that moral principles are less important than practical effectiveness. She has little sense of a differentiated self and unconsciously adopts the personality traits of others around her, which gives her a natural edge as a spy. Jei enjoys "playing with people" and thinking several moves ahead, and her interactions with others frequently play out as cat-and-mouse games. She compartmentalizes easily as a mask for her supernatural empathic abilities (a manifestation of Force sensitivity) that leave her vulnerable to other people's emotional states. Dextrous, mentally sharp, and tactically adroit, she acquires new skills quickly and is eager to impress and earn the praise of those she sees as legitimate authority figures. While this makes her a valuable asset, she's also profoundly compliant, although she would deny this. During the beginning of the story, Jei's repeated exposure to the large-scale destruction of war leaves her traumatized and susceptible to dysfunctional coping mechanisms and toxic, harmful interpersonal dynamics.
Mother - Ori Talus: Daughter of a family of noble Onderonian Republic loyalists, Ori and her older sister Adi were trained by their parents as covert operatives during the Clone Wars, in support of Steela Gerrera's insurgency against the Separatists. During the war, Ori fell in love with Aran Kai, a Jedi knight assigned to protect the Talus family. Ori raised their daughter Jei alone using the considerable resources of her family, and they carried on their relationship in secret until Aran's death in Order 66. Ori fled Onderon with Jei, knowing the danger of harboring a Force-sensitive child who could be hunted by the nascent Galactic Empire, and did everything she could to ensure a normal childhood for Jei with every advantage possible on the distant world of Dirago, instilling a distrust for the Empire in Jei as she did. Ori is meticulous, canny, and elegant, and Jei's knack for observing others and playing situations to her advantage was learned from her mother.
Best friend - Nuula Vorda: Nuula, an Ithorian ship gunner and musician close to Jei's age who met her on Dirago, cleaved to Jei because of her Force sensitivity, a quality Nuula admires and envies. Nuula is fiercely loyal, and Jei is equally fierce in her dedication to furthering Nuula's career interests in their Rebel cell. Although this friendship is one of Jei's deepest and most valued, she isn't adept at showing her appreciation to Nuula, making the relationship somewhat lopsided.
Guardian - Dace Corven: "Chaotic space dad." A wartime friend of Ori's and longtime Rebel operative, Captain Dace Corven tasked himself with "looking after" Jei and Nuula on Ori's behalf. Dace chafes at rules and structure, and finds himself increasingly at odds with the paramilitary activities of Kyber Squadron. Nevertheless, he's taken on a fatherly role (although he'd classify it as more of a "cool uncle" thing) with Jei, Nuula, and the younger squadron members. Because of his connection to Jei's family, he sees keeping her safe as a duty he can't shirk, and goes to extremes to ensure her safety even when it endangers her missions.
Droid - Z3D: A heavily modified pit droid who committed wholeheartedly to the Rebel cause after Imperial soldiers murdered his owner, Z3D (pronounced "zed") is a master gadgeteer, slicer, and decrypter who can double as an astromech. Jei "adopted" him after his owner's death, and he became an early ally, assisting Jei, Nuula, and Dace in their early Rebel activities on Dirago.
Kyber Squadron:
Commanding Officer - Maisen Rigel: "Lawful space dad." Commander Rigel is the head of the Rebel cell of Kyber Squadron, and Jei one of its founding members. Maisen is taciturn, strategic, and difficult to impress. His MO of testing the loyalty and willingness of his subordinates earned Jei's respect quickly. While she views him as sort of a dad figure, he sees her ambition and dedication as exemplary tools, even when she acts out.
Other Significant Relationships:
Nemesis/Ex - Jathek Hasp: A young Imperial Captain posted in charge of operations on Dirago, Hasp is a capable, ambitious, and sophisticated native of Coruscant and a rising star in the Empire. He and Jei met at a civilian party and, mutually attracted by one another's wit and charm, began seeing each other. On discovering his Imperial affiliation, instead of breaking off the relationship, Jei used their connection as an opportunity to smuggle classified intel, access codes, and troop positions to the nascent Dirago Rebel cell. In spite of their opposing allegiances, the two genuinely had respect for each other (in a "game recognize game" kind of way), and Jei gained her newfound sense of personal ambition through their relationship. Although Jei was attracted to Hasp, she didn't love him; he did love her, which made her betrayal of him that much worse.
Squadmate/Ex - Zek Nevaron: A small-time Twi'lek thief, mechanic, and pilot who Jei recruited into the Rebellion. Zek is playful, devil-may-care, but more sensitive than he lets on, and a bit of a "space puppy." His extroversion combined with a hardscrabble loner past primed him to seek familial relationships in the rest of Kyber Squadron, and he quickly adopted Nuula, Dace, and Maisen as found family. He and Jei cared for each other as friends and shared a mutual attraction, but didn't work well as romantic partners, and they eventually broke up.
Yikes - Razer: The head of a splinter group of extreme anti-Imperial Partisans, Razer--an ex-Rebel Alliance officer--ran a sabotage operation out of Gamma-Torreon, and met Jei when she crash landed on the planet. Razer had survived with few allies for many years as a covert Force-sensitive, which immediately connected her to Jei, and Jei worked with Razer and her Partisan group until the Rebel Alliance could launch a rescue. Razer elicited ironclad loyalty from her people and was ruthless but charismatic with her zeal for destroying the Empire, and she augmented her existing ability to manipulate others with the use of the Force (a variant on the "Jedi mind trick"). This form of coercion was ineffective on Jei, and she and Razer formed a complex bond that was adversarial and mistrustful, but also tender and deeply felt by both of them. Razer was in love with Jei, in spite of the complicated nature of their relationship. Jei's feelings toward Razer are the closest thing to a romantic attraction she's experienced.
Art by me:
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Her most recent outfit |

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Full body of the most recent outfit. Everything is black. |
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Not a normal look; from an undercover mission on the planet of Commessor |
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With visible rank insignia |
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Lots of different outfits |
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Decent reference for the rifle; also, a very fancy gown |
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A good reference for the blaster pistol; otherwise, this isn't her normal look. |
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She's not normally this emotive |
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The Imperial uniform is a disguise |
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What she usually wears under a flight suit |