Name: Jonah Morse
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Mixed Caucasian
Age: 20
Region of origin: The City of Zion. Before the Apocalypse, this was a sacred place known as the Sept of the Three Fathers located at Zion National Park and the site of the last battle of Ragnarok; in the ensuing years, it has rebuilt and become a thriving metropolis and a haven for shapeshifters and worshipers of Gaia.
Occupation: Scout
Breed: Corax (wereraven)
Height: 5'11"
Build: Tall, very slim, and lanky. Slouches, crouches and leans on things frequently.
Hair: Black, thick, curly and just longer than shoulder length. Wild and all over the place. Small black goatee.
Eyes: Dark brown
Skin: Very paleTattoos/Piercings: Small tattoo between shoulder blades, of the Garou glyph of Helios.
Scars: None
Other features: Three forms in total: human, "dire raven" (a huge monster-raven with claws), normal raven
Clothing: Lots of black, lots of leather, and a surprising amount of skin showing. Although he identifies as male, his overall gender expression tends androgynous. Usual outfit is a fitted, paneled leather cuirass stamped with patterns and Garou glyphs, a leather helm in the shape of a feathered raven's skull, and a soft leather kilt with panels and copper studs. He also wears a short but voluminous black fur mantle, leather bracers and fingerless gloves, and wrapped legs with open-toed sandals; with the helm down, the overall effect is very raven-like. He cannot touch gold and abstains from wearing silver (as most do in Zion out of respect for other shapeshifters who associate it with frenzy and aggression), but other metals are fair game.
Weapons: Jonah, as most Corax, is very thin and light and poorly built for close combat. He carries a Winchester 94 carbine for distance sniping, which he prefers to use while perched in trees.
Personality: Jonah is ultra-confident, easygoing, laughs a lot and is extremely gregarious. He can talk in all three of his forms (including the animal one) and he seemingly never shuts up. He's curious, a voracious reader (libraries in Zion are easy to come by, although the population of the world at large is highly illiterate), and absorbs information easily, and will spontaneously question people about all matters public and private until he gets something interesting out of it (or until they forcibly try to get him to stop). He's very open about his opinions; because of how willing he is to pry information out of other people, he shares sometimes overly-personal information on himself a bit too easily. It goes to follow that he's very bad at keeping secrets. He is magnetic, attractive, and very friendly, so he often comes off as flirty even when he's not trying. After getting to know people, he tends to be very touchy with them; he has a lot of affinity for physical contact, but can just as quickly give others LOTS of space (consider how birds bounce around and get really really close to people, and then very quickly fly away. He's like that).
In general, Jonah keeps many relationships of varying degrees of closeness; frequently, his friends will shift to being romantic partners and back to being simply friends again. He does take care to maintain good relations with them whether or not they're sleeping together.
-Friend/protector/lover: Nemo
Jonah and Nemo met while she was en route to Zion, and he offered to take her the rest of the way. During the travel, she takes it upon herself to protect him from fights, threats and altercations and the two become physically close (they sleep beside each other, cuddle frequently, and kiss). He finds her intriguing, private, and enigmatic and tries to ask her as much about herself as she'll allow (in fact, she is bound by the laws of her kind not to reveal her true nature as a Nagah). In spite of her secrecy, they form a very quick bond and she is very attentive to his safety.
Reference Images by me:

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