Name: Brody Kimball
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Home World: Earth, circa 1985
Country/City of Origin: Glasgow, Scotland
Age: 21
Occupation: Time traveler, college dropout
Height: 5'10"
Build: Trim physique, slim arms and legs. Constantly in motion- lots of fidgeting, foot-tapping, bouncing, etc.
Hair: Bright green mohawk, sides buzzed very short. The mohawk is usually gelled straight up (not a lot of flopping).
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Home World: Earth, circa 1985
Country/City of Origin: Glasgow, Scotland
Age: 21
Occupation: Time traveler, college dropout
Height: 5'10"
Build: Trim physique, slim arms and legs. Constantly in motion- lots of fidgeting, foot-tapping, bouncing, etc.
Hair: Bright green mohawk, sides buzzed very short. The mohawk is usually gelled straight up (not a lot of flopping).
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Fair
Piercings: Three in each ear: black studs through the lobes, and two steel spikes in the upper cartilage.
Tattoos: Bisected red/black five-pointed star on the left side of his neck, near the collar; dragon on his left forearm. See refs.
Clothing: The Brody "uniform" tends to be tight, studded, leathered and punkish. Lots of black. There usually tends to be a band t-shirt under everything (in his regular rotation are Misfits, Black Flag and The Exploited shirts), tucked into a pair of very well-torn jeans or tight red tartan pants (or a kilt- anything that's likely to raise an eyebrow). Broad studded belt and cuff bracelets. Shoes are black Doc Marten boots. On top of everything is a black leather jacket with triangle studs on the lapels and epaulettes and a painted "anarchy" symbol on the back. Very often has remnants of chipped black nail polish on his fingernails.
Personality: Argumentative and stubborn to a fault, but nevertheless clever and resourceful. Although Brody looks tough and unapproachable, he's actually quite affable, charismatic, and makes friends easily, as long as they're not trying to assert any authority over him. He's unabashedly passionate and enthusiastic about political theory, music and science fiction, and it would be easy to consider him something of a geek if he didn't dress and act so aggressively, so he's very self-conscious about displaying his intelligence (although he does have it in spades). He's idealistic in a big way, and secretly a romantic as well. Although he considers himself the opposite of vain, it does take a certain amount of vanity to cultivate an image like he has- not to mention the amount of time he spends styling his hair.
Background: Born to a doctor of physics and a professor of astronomy, Brody was pressured into academia from a very early age, and reacted by rebelling in the exact opposite direction: although he was a good student, he quit university after just a year studying sociology, psych and poli-sci, happily embracing an anarchist philosophy and a hardcore aesthetic. Since that time, he's been looking for something to do with himself that would create a positive effect on the world, but coming up sadly short.
The Haruspex- A young Time Lady from Gallifrey, the Haruspex fled the fallout of the Time War disguised as a human on Earth. Her memory was wiped with the intent of it returning to her after the end of the war, but that aspect of her personality stayed dormant far longer than it should have. Brody was with her incidentally when she "awakened" to her true nature and recovered her TARDIS. Although her goal was to take him on one quick jaunt through time and then right back to his native time and place just to show off, it was hard for her to let him go when presented with the possibility of a long-term human study subject. The Haruspex does like him, but is reluctant to let it show; she tends to be cold and condescending a lot of the time. On her insistence, their relationship is more "associates" than a couple, or even friends exactly, but he does enjoy teasing her and learning whatever she's willing to trust him enough to learn. He considers her attitude and occasional invasions of his privacy a reasonable price for the opportunity to be a time traveler... most of the time.
TARDIS interface "personality": The Archivist-
K9- During their first trip through time and space, aboard the 51st century Earth colony ship the Lancashire, Brody and the Haruspex were entrusted with a robotic K9 unit. Although the Haruspex and the robot dog got along poorly at the start, Brody insisted they keep him with them on the TARDIS. As such, he's much more Brody's dog than the Haruspex's, and tends to follow the human around while he explores.
Art by me

Skin: Fair
Piercings: Three in each ear: black studs through the lobes, and two steel spikes in the upper cartilage.
Tattoos: Bisected red/black five-pointed star on the left side of his neck, near the collar; dragon on his left forearm. See refs.
Clothing: The Brody "uniform" tends to be tight, studded, leathered and punkish. Lots of black. There usually tends to be a band t-shirt under everything (in his regular rotation are Misfits, Black Flag and The Exploited shirts), tucked into a pair of very well-torn jeans or tight red tartan pants (or a kilt- anything that's likely to raise an eyebrow). Broad studded belt and cuff bracelets. Shoes are black Doc Marten boots. On top of everything is a black leather jacket with triangle studs on the lapels and epaulettes and a painted "anarchy" symbol on the back. Very often has remnants of chipped black nail polish on his fingernails.
Personality: Argumentative and stubborn to a fault, but nevertheless clever and resourceful. Although Brody looks tough and unapproachable, he's actually quite affable, charismatic, and makes friends easily, as long as they're not trying to assert any authority over him. He's unabashedly passionate and enthusiastic about political theory, music and science fiction, and it would be easy to consider him something of a geek if he didn't dress and act so aggressively, so he's very self-conscious about displaying his intelligence (although he does have it in spades). He's idealistic in a big way, and secretly a romantic as well. Although he considers himself the opposite of vain, it does take a certain amount of vanity to cultivate an image like he has- not to mention the amount of time he spends styling his hair.
Background: Born to a doctor of physics and a professor of astronomy, Brody was pressured into academia from a very early age, and reacted by rebelling in the exact opposite direction: although he was a good student, he quit university after just a year studying sociology, psych and poli-sci, happily embracing an anarchist philosophy and a hardcore aesthetic. Since that time, he's been looking for something to do with himself that would create a positive effect on the world, but coming up sadly short.
The Haruspex- A young Time Lady from Gallifrey, the Haruspex fled the fallout of the Time War disguised as a human on Earth. Her memory was wiped with the intent of it returning to her after the end of the war, but that aspect of her personality stayed dormant far longer than it should have. Brody was with her incidentally when she "awakened" to her true nature and recovered her TARDIS. Although her goal was to take him on one quick jaunt through time and then right back to his native time and place just to show off, it was hard for her to let him go when presented with the possibility of a long-term human study subject. The Haruspex does like him, but is reluctant to let it show; she tends to be cold and condescending a lot of the time. On her insistence, their relationship is more "associates" than a couple, or even friends exactly, but he does enjoy teasing her and learning whatever she's willing to trust him enough to learn. He considers her attitude and occasional invasions of his privacy a reasonable price for the opportunity to be a time traveler... most of the time.
TARDIS interface "personality": The Archivist-
K9- During their first trip through time and space, aboard the 51st century Earth colony ship the Lancashire, Brody and the Haruspex were entrusted with a robotic K9 unit. Although the Haruspex and the robot dog got along poorly at the start, Brody insisted they keep him with them on the TARDIS. As such, he's much more Brody's dog than the Haruspex's, and tends to follow the human around while he explores.
Art by me

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