Name: Arran
Garou Name: Mún-ar-an-AidhnínGender: Male
Species: Garou (werewolf)
Ethnicity: Scottish
Age: 30
Occupation: "Monkeywrencher": corporate/industrial saboteur, emphasis on demolitions and explosives
Tribe: Fianna
Pack Affiliation: The Nomads
Auspice: Ragabash ("trickster", associated with the new moon)
Height: 5'7"
Build: Compact: slim, but cut
Hair: Very dark brown, just below ear length, with bangs and a slight wave. His beard is more auburn than brown.
Eyes: Blue in homid and glabro form; in crinos, hispo and lupus forms they're golden.
Skin: Very fair
Tattoos/Piercings: During Lili's disappearance into the Dark Umbra halfway through the story, he got an ankh tattooed on his right shoulder. See reference below.
Scars: Long, jagged scar on his left side, across the lower half of his ribcage; see reference below.
Weapons: In all forms but human, he has sharp wolf teeth and claws. Carries a semiautomatic handgun and lots of incendiary devices both homemade and manufactured, including many types of grenade, pipe bombs, C4 and whatever else can be made in a pinch.
Other features: He has five forms in total: homid (human); glabro (near-human); crinos (wolf-human); hispo (dire wolf); and lupus (wolf). His wolf forms (crinos through lupus) have dusky brown fur with white patches on the muzzle, chest and belly.
Clothing: Understated and utilitarian, formulated not to attract attention. Tends to wear very simple outfits: t-shirts or light knit shirts, fatigue or cargo pants, work boots, equipment vests, heavy work gloves when necessary. His usual colors of choice are earth tones, charcoal grays, or black. When attempting to look professional, he'll often wear a black turtleneck under a black leather jacket, with black jeans.
Jewelry: Late in the story, he and Lili get married but still have to keep the relationship secret, and each of them wears a plain steel ring on a leather cord around their necks.
Totem Spirit: Waboose, the White Buffalo of the North Wind, is the patron totem of the whole Nomads pack, including Arran.
Personality: Sarcastic with a dash of good-natured snark and a lot of loud enthusiasm. As befits a Ragabash, he really enjoys knocking people off their high horses and otherwise bothering them to the point of frustration. He respects few social boundaries and rules of conduct; sometimes he's more than willing to give his pack mates their space, but just as often he'll refuse to leave them alone. As much as he enjoys bugging other people, he's extremely reluctant to talk about himself or his life in anything deeper than a surface context. Underneath the humor and the sarcasm, he's deeply and unabashedly emotional and even sentimental. If called out on this fact, he'll openly deny it, but his ability to hide what he's feeling is sometimes a bit spotty, and if someone's words or certain events hit home closely enough, he becomes a bit of an emotional wreck.
Former lover: Caroline (deceased)
Arran, as a teenager having undergone his first transformation and learned a little of what the Garou as a whole were on about, met Caroline, the passionate sister of an Irish Fianna, while she was visiting members of her own Garou family in Scotland. Although not Garou herself, Caroline was dedicated to helping in their cause of fighting the forces of the Wyrm as well as British sovereignty in her homeland, via a radical remnant branch of the IRA. Arran quickly developed feelings for her, and followed her back to Northern Ireland, where the two of them took up together and committed many a "romantic" act of sabotage with her IRA cell for several years, and had a son together. Her Garou brother Colin, not a supporter of Caroline's radical politics, was irate when he found out about her relationship with Arran, whom he disapproved of not only as a low-ranking Garou but as a dangerous terrorist who was no doubt selfishly putting her in compromising positions. When Colin confronted Caroline and Arran and tried to take her back home by force, Arran fought him in crinos form as Caroline tried to tear them apart. Colin attempted to pick her up and throw her out of the way of the fight, and Arran, not wanting her to get hurt in the toss, tried to catch her and put her down safely, but accidentally caught her so roughly that she was impaled on his claws and killed. Both men were stricken with grief and rage and did some serious damage to one another (Arran's scar on his left side is from that fight), but Colin won out. Although he didn't kill Arran, he threatened to if he ever hears of Arran setting foot on Irish soil again, which he hasn't since. He brought his and Caroline's son back to Scotland to be brought up by his parents and grandmother, all kinfolk.
Ally/ secret girlfriend: Lili Leaps-Through-Darkness- Lili is a valuable ally of the Nomad pack, with rational, focused goals. Initially Arran found her a little intense and demanding, but the two made a tacit mutual pact that he'd ease off the sarcasm if she stopped bothering him about behaving more seriously. Once on an even footing, they became fast friends and developed mutual crushes on each other, although neither one wanted to act on it due to Garou law's prohibition on intimate relationships between werewolves. Eventually, they reached a breaking point and they were able to admit to each other that they want to be together and were able to hook up for a couple of nights, but Lili and the Nomads parted ways for unrelated reasons. Over a long distance, their communications were awkward and infrequent. Several months after their parting, Lili disappeared without a trace, and Arran was completely distraught but kept faith that she was alive; when she resurfaced nine months later, both of them were very eager to pin down an official and public relationship regardless of what anyone else had to say about it. Late in the story, on the verge of the apocalypse, they get officially married but still need to keep their relationship quiet; their wedding rings (steel, not gold) are on necklaces instead of on their fingers.
Reference Images by me:

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